Proposal Coaching

Some proposals are too important to be left to chance…

You need someone who will coach you to deliver the most persuasive proposal you can. Coached by people who have anchored and coached over 5 Billion Dollars worth of deals in their careers.

You need someone experienced in anchoring and writing several proposals under time constraints. For instance, the experience of anchoring a proposal to be written in German, from an RFP of around 4000 pages, all written in German, with only 16 days to submission. That is 16 calendar days, not working days! That too, when most of the team did not know German!!

You could say that proposal coaching is an expensive proposition. Wrong!

Without coaching, the money you would spend on rework and the last minute rush that makes you miss key risks can be more expensive. So, you really aren’t spending more money, you are spending it wisely. 

Many companies that pursue must-win deals use coaches precisely for these reasons. Why should you lose out?